
Sempra Releases 充满活力的创意, 2023 Corporate 可持续性 Report


圣地亚哥, 2024年5月9日 /价值/—— Sempra (纽约证券交易所代码:sre)(伦敦证券交易所代码:sre) today shared its 2023 Corporate 可持续性 Report充满活力的创意 – highlighting how the company's sustainable business practices are helping to improve its scale, resiliency 和 risk profile, while also contributing to a healthier, more secure 和 prosperous future for its stakeholders.

在很多方面, the opportunity to improve health, well-being 和 prosperity depends on the buildout 和 modernization of energy 基础设施 – 和 that is the focus of our corporate strategy,” 杰弗里·W. 马丁,主席及

A letter from our chief sustainability officer

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在Sempra, our mission to be North America’s premier energy 基础设施 company centers on the idea of lifting up those we serve.

Lisa Larroque Alex和er, Chief 可持续性 Officer of Sempra

Sempra基础设施 Launches Cimarron Wind Project


休斯顿, 2024年3月14日 /价值/—— Sempra基础设施的子公司 Sempra (纽约证券交易所代码:sre)(伦敦证券交易所代码:sre), announced today that it reached a positive final investment decision for the development, construction 和 operation of the Cimarron wind project, the third phase of the Energía 塞拉华雷斯 (ESJ)风复合物.

The Cimarron wind project will total approximately 320 megawatts (MW) of wind capacity, 和 the project is fully contracted under a 20-year power purchase agreement to Silicon Valley Power for the long-term supply of renewable energy to the 圣克拉拉市加州. 

Sempra基础设施 和 日本 Bank for International Cooperation to Develop Strategic Collaboration in Support of the 能源过渡


休斯顿, 2月. 2, 2024 /价值/—— Sempra基础设施的子公司 Sempra (纽约证券交易所代码:sre)(伦敦证券交易所代码:sre), today announced that it has entered into a memor和um of underst和ing (MOU) with the 日本 Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) to cooperate on opportunities to advance the 能源过渡. 通过这份谅解备忘录, Sempra基础设施 和 JBIC aim to further project structuring to improve the global energy supply chain through liquefied natural gas (液化天然气), hydrogen 和 other decarbonization efforts in both 美国日本.

"Sempra基础设施 is thrilled to exp和 its

Meeting energy dem和 in 德州

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It’s the fastest-growing state in the U.S., currently topping at more than 30 million people, with some experts predicting that 德州 总有一天会超越 加州 人口. With the growing population coupled with record-breaking temperatures this past summer, energy dem和 is expected only to increase in 德州, requiring industry leaders to harness the sun 和 wind to consistently deliver safe 和 reliable energy.